Jam – find the common ground
between musicians and explore
it together in the moment.
TBBC Monthly Jam
- You’ve been practicing your blues riffs all hours in your bedroom?
- You’re not seeming to get any further?
- Or you are already in a band and love playing the blues?
At Jam nights your level and experience is not important. It’s time to go to the next level! Pick your best blues songs (max 3) and take the plunge. Our jam nights are well supported and the audiences are the most supportive and friendliest you could get for your live performance.
Our members and guests just want to groove to the blues!!
TBBC Jams run on the 3rd Thursday of each month!
Participating is easy
First up there is just one criteria. Your chosen songs MUST be ‘blues’.
What is blues? See our About page for more details.
If you want to secure a spot (sometimes the slots fill up very quickly from 6.30pm) then please register using the form below.
IMPORTANT: Please check the calendar and indicate which Jam night you want to perform at in the form.
Playing solo? Just take the stage at your allotted time and play …. or If you would like to utilize our great house band “The Barnstormers” then please include details of your songs eg: Name, key, version (a spotify link is good) when filling out our form.
Please bring your instrument. A full backline is already set up for you to use, whether its amps, drums, mic’s and stands.
Our sound man, (normally Jak) will offer any assistance needed to get you plugged in.
If you use a pedalboard and cant play without it, then bring it, if there is stage space we will do our best to fit it in.
Changeover times between acts are FIVE minutes only.
That’s it!!
We look forward to your performances at THE BARN, home of the Tasman Bay Blues Club.